• Andrea Bocelli

    Tremo e t'amo → English translation→ English

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I'm trembling, and I love you

"I love you, and I'm trembling,"
said the woman
to her soldier
who would not return.
Her voice
was carried by the wind
over the snow
where he was fighting.
"I'm trembling, and I love you,"
she said as she cried
in the darkness of the room.
Someone laughed
to disregard the fear,
that their love was already over.
The memories betrayed her mind;
the soldier couldn't feel any more.
he was hit from behind
by his enemy
who strangely spoke
of roses, wine, and things
that another life promised them,
oh, how many husbands
the war would take
from the arms of the first evening.
"I'm trembling and I'm cold,"
said the soldier
to his enemy who watched him.
His voice stood still in the wind
over the fallen, who quietly listened.
Original lyrics

Tremo e t'amo

Click to see the original lyrics (Italian)
