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Иаужь шьҭа наҟ, иагьыбхаршҭ [Let it go]

Аурҭ ихнаҩеит ашьха ақәцә анаара,
Адгьыл шкәакәахеит зынӡа.
Ҿымҭ злоу аҳәынҭқарра
Саҳәынҭқархеит шьҭа сара.
Иӷзуеит аԥша, афырҭын сгәаҿы еихсыӷьшьа змам.
Ма иныскылар, аха исылшом шьҭа.
О, иаабмыртын, зынӡа иҵәахы.
Быԥҳәызба ҟәыбҷаз зегь рзы.
Бцәанырра ашә ацыԥха ҿаҵа
Аха, иаԥсам!
Иоужь шьҭа наҟ – ибхаршҭ зегьы.
Уаҳа иузырхынҳәуам акагьы.
Соужь шьҭа анҟ – иахьсҭыԥу сцап,
Иҿыцу амш мҩакы снарбап.
Шьҭа сара сацәшәаӡом акагьы,
Ицәқәырԥоит аԥша,
Ахьҭа еснагь иақәшәон са сгәы.
Ҩадаҟа сыҩуа схалоит,
Аҵаа еизадоу ахь.
Ашәарамшқәа инсыжьыз,
Шьҭа исыхьӡаӡом зынӡак.
Иаамҭоуп уажәшьҭа, исылшо збап,
Аурҭцәгьа сымаҵ уа иаулап.
Аҵаа-тәылаҿ схы сақәиҭхап
Иаужь шьҭа наҟ, иагьыбхаршҭ,
Быззыгәшьуаз агәаҳәарақәа ааныжь.
Иаужь шьҭа наҟ, иагьыбхаршҭ,
Уаҳа лаӷырӡык камыжь.
Ароуп сыҩны, слахьынҵоуп асы.
Ицәқәырԥааит аԥша.
Аҳауеи адгьыли ирҿасырддуеит сара.
Снапаҵаҟоуп аҵааршә ахьыҟоу, ишаноуп сымч , арахь.
Ԥхьаҟа издыруеит сара иҟаҵатәу шьҭа.
Шьҭахьҟа схынҳәуам сара, зегь схасыршҭроуп шьҭа.
Иоужь шьҭа наҟ, иагьыбхаршҭ,
Ҵәҩанҵәыҟа ушәаԥшьны ухал.
Иоужь шьҭа наҟ, иагьыбхаршҭ,
Иаҵәала укаԥха, уацрал.
Саԥылап шьҭа, сшамҭа раԥхьатәи,
Ицәқәырԥааит аԥша,
Ахьҭа еснагь иақәшәон са сгәы.

Let it go (and) forget everything

A blizzard raged on the mountaintops
The ground turned white (from snow) completely
Kingdom of Silence
And now this kingdom is mine
The wind howls like a hurricane in my soul, haunting me
I should have stopped it, but I can no longer
Oh, don't open, hide at all
May your femininity be lovely for everyone
Hide, hang the lock on the door
But it doesn't matter!
Let it go (and) forget everything
There is nothing more you can get back
Let me go there, I'll go wherever I want
A new day will open up new opportunities for me
Now I'm not afraid of anything anymore
The wind is raging
Cold has always been something close to my heart
I'm heading north at a brisk run
Leaving behind a trail of snow
Those scary (bad) days I left behind
Don't hurt me anymore
It's time to see what I can do
Break through there with a raging blizzard
I'll fold my head for the Kingdom of Snow
Forever and ever
Let it go (and) forget everything
Leave all the troubles that hurt you, behind
Let it go (and) forget everything
Don't shed another tear
This is my home, snow is my destiny
Let the wind (storm) rage on
My power flurries through the air into the ground
My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around
Now I know in advance what to do
I'm never going back, now I have to forget everything
Let it go (and) forget everything
Stretch out, striving with all your consciousness to the rays of the sun
Let it go (and) forget everything
Blossom in green, soar above the sky
Here I stand in the light of day
Let the wind (storm) rage on
Cold has always been something close to my heart...
The author of translation requested proofreading.
It means that he/she will be happy to receive corrections, suggestions etc about the translation.
If you are proficient in both languages of the language pair, you are welcome to leave your comments.